Project Idea and Partner Search Form
Contact person:
State: Latvia
Organisation: Latvian IT Cluster
Address: Skolas str.11
Phone: +371 67089815
Short description of Project idea: LATVIAN IT CLUSTER IS READY TO BE A PARTNER IN PROJECTS, OR FIND THE BEST PARTNER IN IT SECTOR. Latvian IT Cluster companies specialize in software development, IT consultations, hardware architecture, networking & data transmission solutions, financial and business management solutions for enterprises and organizations, business analysis solutions, Enterprise Resource Planning solutions, finance management and accountancy solutions, training and e-learning solutions.:
Priority 1: Socio-economic development
Measure 1: Fostering of socio-economic development and encouraging business and entrepreneurship
Measure 2: Transport, logistics and communication solutions

Priority 2: Common challenges
Measure 1: Joint actions aimed at protection of environment and natural resources
Measure 2: Preservation and promotion of cultural and historical heritage and support of local traditional skills
Measure 3: Improvement of energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energy sources
Priority 3: Promotion of people to people cooperation
Measure 1: Development of local initiative, increasing administrative capacities of local and regional authorities
Measure 2: Cooperation in spheres of culture, sport, education, social and health
Main project activities and / or results:
Looking for Partners from:
Type of organisation:
Non-governmental organisation
Additional information about desired partner: