European Cooperation Day 2014
"Power of Cooperation" - joint EC Day publication of 5 ENPI Programmes with participation of Russia, in Regional Review (for Open Days 2014), in September 2014
English and Russian
Programme poster for ECDay 2014 - August 2014 English and Russian
EC Day 2014 Actions together with project "Preserve not to lose!"
On 13 September in Sangaste, Estonia - Event and Gallery
On 25 September in Dedovichi, Pskov Oblast, Russia - Event and Gallery
On 30 September in Balvi, Latvia - Event and Gallery
Flagship projects 2014 (approved by the Joint Monitoring Committee in December 2013)
To preserve not to lose it – safeguarding of cultural heritage - Portfolio of the Project Preserve not to lose
Promoting the use of cultural heritage and resources in product development in border areas - Portfolio of the Project Business Heritage
Supporting the local self-government development to improve the quality of life in rural areas - Portfilio of the Project LSG Development
Fact Sheet for the European Cooperation Day 2014
ECDay 2013 in Retrospect, Video by the GreenMan Project