Video-interview with the Director for the Neighbourhood at EuropeAid, Michael Köhler
The EU Neighbourhood Info Centre has released a video of 2-minute interview with Michael Köhler, Director for the Neighbourhood at EuropeAid, on the new European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) for the period the 2014-2020. The new ENI offers a better focus on countries wanting to have a closer relationship with European Union. “In the new system, there is more differentiation between the countries, more support for civil society and there is a programming system which really gives life to the “more for more” principle,” says Michael Köhler in the interview.

Launched in 2014 with a budget of 15.4 billion the ENI provides increased support to 17 partner countries to the East and South of the EU borders and contributes to strengthening bilateral relations with partner countries and brings tangible benefits to both the EU and its partners.

The video in English with Russian subtitles is produced by the ENPI Info Centre’s media partner ANSA.