Renovation of Värska-Pechory monastery road can start
First Large Scale Project of the Programme - SAFE ROAD begins implementation of several investment activities. Grant Contract for 4,5 million euro ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme co-financing is going to be countersigned with the Estonian Road Administration today in Tartu (Estonia). SAFE ROAD will improve traffic and border crossing possibilities in Värska-Pechory monastery road in territories of the Republic of Estonia and Russian Federation.
In total 19,1 km of road sections, 1,9 walk/cycle ways and 2,1 km cycle ways and ca 2,1 km footways will be renovated. SAFE ROAD includes also construction of ca 3ha parking area in Kunichina Gora frontier point and 0, 5 ha parking area in Psovskaja street of Pechory in the territory of Russian Federation. It also will improve tourism information system in border areas of South-East Estonia and Pskov Oblast and provide training in the field of traffic safety, road maintenance and construction.
SAFE ROAD will be implemented together with 3 partners from Russia - Administration of the Pechory District, Municipal Culture Institution “Pechory Culture Centre”, General partnership “Shans&Co”.
Total budget of the SAFE ROAD LSP is 6 463 356, 20 EUR and it includes 4 699 999, 50 ENPI, Russian and Estonian co-financing, as well 1 763 356, 70 EUR co-financing by partners. Co-financing from the State Budget of Estonia is 2 430 000, 00 EUR.
Please find brief project description here.
As informed before Full Application Forms of the Large Scale Projects ELR-LSP-1, 2 and 6 were approved by the European Commission on 4 June 2012.
In addition, on 5 July 2012 the European Commission informed Joint Managing Authority regarding the results of consultation on the full applications for the Large Scale Project ELR-LSP - 4. Application of the projects „have been considered as admissible with regard to their feasibility, environmental impact and land ownership”, thus also Large Scale Project reconstruction of border checkpoints in Latvia and Russia is approved and moved into contracting phase.