Project implementers showed the highest participation rate ever
About 90 participants representing 20 projects, including 3 Large Scale Projects, gathered for the second two days seminar on final reporting and project closure issues on 19-20 March in Pskov, Russia. Great interest from project side almost reached the ceilings of room capacity. Received feedback from participants shows that the seminar was a success and reached the aim - to support projects to fulfil requirements related to the closure and final stage of implementation of project. Questions concentrated on managing the changes within the project, proper usage of programme logo and financial issues related to exchange rates, transfer of finances between partners and use of savings. Joint exercises and case studies strengthened the project teams and increased project management skills.
Presentations and practical exercises covered actual topics like on-spot visits to the projects, visibility and accessibility of outputs, requirements of construction works, role and obligation of the partner within project partnership, filling in the financial and narrative part of final reports, proper reflection of achieved results and indicators. Facilitation of networking and opportunity for individual consultations were highly appreciated by participants.
Part of the Projects are completing its activities in the first half of the current year and therefore the assistance on how to prepare final reports has become very actual. Also for other projects information is highly needed as the final date for the implementation is 31 December, 2014.
Handouts related to the presentations and exercises are published under section Downloads 2014. Presentations will be published after the seminar on 9-10 April in Gulbene, Latvia. Registration for the final seminar of projects final reporting and closure is opened till 2 April here.
Full photo gallery of the seminar in Pskov