Positive feedback from project implementers received via Communication Questionnaire
In order to get feedback on communication activities carried out starting from 2010, the Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC ENPI Programme has performed the in-depth satisfaction survey among the project implementers in mid-December 2013. This survey was prepared and performed as analytical investigation based on data collected via the on-line questionnaire in four languages. Answers in 86% were provided by the project performers, in 9 % by general public and in 6% by representatives of the Programme’s bodies. In total, 104 responds from Estonia, Latvia and Russia were collected and analysed.
The main aim of the survey was to accumulate proposals for improvement of the Programme’s implementation and increase effectiveness of the implementation terms for the year 2014, as well in future cross border cooperation programmes. The questionnaire also was aimed to deliver information on good practices in communication activities and tools as remarkable support in project implementation, interaction with the Programme’s management, as well increasing general visibility of the Programme.
The respondents have given their estimate on the activities and communication of the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) with the project implementers. Simultaneously there have been evaluated the convenience, apprehensibility and functionality of the Programme’s communication tools, satisfaction of the project performers, as well as other aspects relevant to the project implementation.
It is very positive finding that nearly all respondents, about 91%, estimate the usefulness of communication activities of the Programme during the project implementation period as ‘of the level they should be’ and ‘of highest standard’, see diagram:
The respondents also specify that the most effective support was provided through the Programme’s seminars, consultations with the JTS specialists via e-mail and written documents elaborated (Guidelines, instructions, forms, templates). Other tools, like ‘Individual consultations’ organized by the JTS and ‘Phone-consultations’ for the project partners on various issues related to the project implementation and reporting are also mentioned as useful, but by smaller part of the respondents.
Results of the survey will be presented to the Joint Programming Committees of the future Estonia-Russia and Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation programmes. The obtained data and proposals will be thoroughly investigated with the aim to improve and focus support of the new ENI Programmes for the planning period 2014-2020 enabling appropriate methods and tools in preparation and successful implementation of the future projects.