Improving literar and artistical potential of Latvia and Russia
On 7 May 2013 the Grant Contract within the 2nd Call for Proposals for 171 000,00 euro of the Programme co-financing has been countersigned by the JMA of the Programme and Viļāni Local Municipality, Latvia by the Head of Viļāni Local Municipality Mr Arnolds Pudulis in Riga, Latvia. Cross-border Project „Latvia-Russia united cultural information place and cooperation net shaping used by literary artistic creative potential” was accepted under the Priority 3 – promoting people to people cooperation, Measure 3.2. – Cooperation in spheres of culture, sport, education, social and health.
Overall objective of project is to develop a united cultural information environment and collaboration network used by people with literary and artistic creative potential in Vilani, Karsava and Shlisselburg in order to achieve stronger cooperation between Latvian and Russian border municipalities.
Administration of Municipal Formation Shlisselburg Town is the partner from Russia and in the frame of the Project will renovate library. Municipalities of Viļāni and Kārsava from Latvia will improve reading environment and equipment for teleconferences among partners and International Competition.
Total budget of the Project is 200 000, 00 eur.
Please read more in Project PORTFOLIO.