Highlighting directions of future cross-border cooperation between Latvia and Russia

50 representatives of all regions of Latvia gathered for a discussion on the future prospects for cooperation with the border regions of Russia on 21 August in Riga. Promotion of cross-border movement, strengthening regional competitiveness and business development, sustainable use of natural resources – in these three thematic strands co-operation with the Russian border regions in the next programming period 2014-2020 is planned.

Regional representatives heard reports by experts from the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Ministry of Transport and the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and discussed the priorities of Latvian partners in cross-border projects.

Workshop participants represented planning regions and municipalities, their management, as well project management and development departments.

The seminar was lead by Ms Iruma Kravale, Director of the Development instrument department, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development.  

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development is performing function of the Joint Managing Authority for the Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross-border cooperation programme and prepares the new - Latvia-Russia bilateral cross-border cooperation programme for the period 2014-2020.