First consultations for Large Scale Project Applicants and partners took place in Latvia, Estonia and Russia
3 consultation seminars were organized by JTS for the Programme’s Large Scale Project Applicants and partners in order to support them in the process of preparation of the Full Application, which they will have to submitt not later than 2 March, 2012.
First consultation took place in Riga (Latvia) on 30 November and was mainly for the Applicant of the LSP 4 „Reconctruction of border checkpoint „Vientuļi” (the Republic of Latvia) and arrangement of the border checkpoint „Brunishevo” (the Russian Federation). Questions adressed to the JTS staff and representative of the JMA were focused on how detailed should be the Partnership agreement and finansial issues.
Second consultation seminar with 30 participants of 4 LSP Applicants and partners from Estonia took place in Tartu (Estonia) on 6 December. JTS staff and INTERACT expert introduced with requirements for the Large Scale Projects within Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme, with the Application form to be filled in, its specific contents and documents (f.e. Feasibility study) that have to be submitted with the Application form. Communication and Visibility guidelines for LSPs were presented. Questions mainly were related to financial issues and preparation of the Logframe as a part the Application Form, as well as the Partnership Agreement.
Third consultation seminar with more than 30 participants of all 6 LSPs partners from Russia took place in Pskov (Russia) on 7 December. JTS staff made presentations on general introduction with LSP within Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme, how to fill the Application form with specific focus on information to be provided by partners and documents to be signed by partners. Communication and Visibility guidelines for LSPs were presented. JTS staff and representative of JMA answered to questions related to procurement issues and the role of the Partnership agreement.
Representative of the JMC Ms Zanda Mangule participated in all three consultation seminars.
All presentations of the consultation seminars can be viewed here:
Further consultations and seminars will take place in 2012 with the focus on Logframe and Financial and other issues upon needs justified by LSP Applicants and information on time and venue will be published in the website of the Programme.
As informed before, summaries of 5 Large Scale Projects received approval from the European Commission.