Estonian, Latvian and Russian historical heritage to be preserved during European Cooperation Day
With three similar events Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme is marking European Cooperation Day (EC Day) this year. Joint cleaning activities and preservation actions will be held in Sangaste (Estonia) on 13 September, Dedovichi (Pskov Oblast, Russia) on 25 September and Balvi (Latvia) on 30 September. Historical Sangaste Castle swings and benches and mini-stage around Balvi Grand Oak, as well new tourism map and information boards about Knjazi Gorki Manor and church of the Prophet Elijah of year 1833 in Dedovichi District – all are produced and will be newly installed in project „Preserve not to lose”, which is this year's flagship project and coorganizer of EC Day, sites. As integral part of the EC Day celebration digital expositions and renovated historical buildings in all three sites will be opened.
During EC Day actions Programme will add a value to what the project has already planned and what has been done. Thanks to cross border cooperation on the same dates interactive permanent digital expositions will be opened in Estonia, Latvia and Winter Garden of Sangaste castle, restored library house as cultural heritage centre of Dedovichi and new Museum of Balvi County will be opened. Each partner collected and attractively introduces public with historical collections through photos, video screens and audio rooms. Technologies allow all what has been collected and kept in storage rooms to put in attractive and interactive context of today's needs.
In Sangaste Castle, which is historically famous with the use of scientific achievements, it is 3-Dimensional rye field and winking and changing portrait of the historical owner of the castle – Count Berg (called also King of Rye).
In the Granary of Balvi Manor it is digitalized ethnographic exposition with integrated video, audio and visual materials, digitalized private collections with stories behind and digitalized performance of traditional singing and use of traditional skills like process of bread baking.
In the Cultural heritage centre of Dedovichi digitalized collection embraces information of old mansions, cemeteries, churches, which include Knjazhi Gorki (a Manor), confirms presence of famous Russian poet Pushkin in the region and is prepared to be demonstrated to the visitors.
The short story about project „Preserve not to lose”
European Cooperation Day event in Estonia
On 13 September at 14:00 in Sangaste (Estonia), Sangaste castle the celebration of the European Cooperation day and ceremonial opening of newly constructed Winter Garden, interactive permanent exhibitions and the swing of Sangaste castle will take place.
Sangaste Castle and the barn to be cleaned up
Winter garden is restored in frame of the project „Preserve not to lose” co-financed by ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme and will be opened again after 70 years, offering pleasant atmosphere for visitors of the castle – castle which is one of the most impressive examples of Gothic Revival architecture in the Baltic States.
Interactive expositions will display different distinguishing aspects of Sangaste castle history in innovative way. The swing, significant historical component of the castle will be reinstalled in yard after decades and will be opened on Saturday. To preserve the cultural heritage and begin the future developments of the historical site the joint cleaning works of the round barn of Sangaste castle are initiated and will be undertaken with participation on local students, teachers, voluntary rescuers, members of Sangaste municipality council, project partners from Latvia and Russia, JTS staff and other volunteers. Joint work and European Cooperation Day will be finalised with common meal - soup.
Musical performance by Estonian folk musicians Anu Taul and Taivo Noormaa will offer enjoyable moments and glance to Estonian musical heritage in castle milieu.
In the yard of Sangaste castle the market of local handicraft and domestic products is opened from 13.00 till 17.00.
European Cooperation Day in Pskov Oblast, Russia
The European Cooperation Day in Dedovichi on 25 September will start at 14.00 with the opening of information stands and map representing historic monuments of the Devovichi District and aiming to attract tourists’ attention to the cultural heritage. Further on, Dedovichi district library restored with the Programme support will be opened after reconstruction to host from now on the Cultural Heritage Centre. Folklore ensemble „Ivushka” will sing folk songs and offer traditional bred-and-salt treat to the guests of the ceremony.
Knjazhi Gorki Manor and traditional bread baking in Pskov Oblast
The event will be finalized with planting a young oak tree in the recreation area near the library which will symbolize the partnership and cultural connections between three municipalities joined to preserve tangible and intangible heritage of Estonia, Latvia and Russia.
European Cooperation Day in Latvia
On 30 September at 12:00 in Balvi Manor Bear Garden will start with joint cleaning activity where pupils, students, JTS staff and local public will grab autumn leaves of trees to prepare the place to install benches and mini-stage around the Grand Oak, as well to encourage ants to leave the tree. Action is aimed to preserve and save hundred years old oak tree. Celebration of European Cooperation Day will be marked with saving the Oak, degustation of Latgale traditional bread and ethnographic performance.
Museum of Balvi County
Balvi Grand Oak
At 15:00 the opening of newly established Museum of Balvi County will take place and digital ethnographic and historical expositions developed within cross border cooperation project „Preserve not to lose” will officially be opened.
Other two flagship projects of the Programme for the European Cooperation Day 2014 are:
HERITAGE BUSINESS (Promoting the use of cultural heritage and resources in product development in border areas). Story about project is published on official website of the European Cooperation Day can be read here.
LSG Development (Supporting the local self-government development to improve the quality of life in rural areas). Story about project can be read here.