Additional financing for the border control point infrastructure in Vientuļi, Latvia
Following the decision of the Joint Monitoring Committee additional financing has been awarded to the Large Scale Project “Reconstruction of BCP “Vientuļi” and arrangement of BCP “Brunishevo””. Addendum to the Grant Contract of the amount of 2 568 373 EUR of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme financing has been countersigned by the State Joint Stock Company “Real State Estate” in Riga (Latvia) today. The financing has been reallocated for further improvement of the BCP Vientuļi following the strategic objective of turning of this point into fully functioning border crossing point for passenger and cargo vehicles in the future and total budget of the project reaches 9 MEUR.
Grant Contract for 5,8 million euro of ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme co-financing has been countersigned with the State Joint Stock Company “Real State Estate” in Riga (Latvia). Large Scale Project “Reconstruction of BCP “Vientuļi” and arrangement of BCP “Brunishevo”” has been supported under the Programme Priority I – socio-economic development and Measure – transport, logistics and communication solutions and will increase qualitative and quantitative capacity of Border Control Checkpoints Vientuli/Ludonka and Pededze/Brunishevo and thus will improve overall capacity of the infrastructure in the Latvian-Russian border control points.
Total budget of the Large Scale Project now is 9 012 817 EUR and it includes 8 368 373 EUR ENPI and Russian Federation co-financing, as well 644 444 EUR co-financing by the State Budget of Latvia as the Lead Partner is the Latvian State Joint Stock Company “Real State Estate”.
Project will be implemented altogether with 3 partners from Latvia and Russia. Partners for Project implementation from Russian side areFederal Agency for the Development of the State Border Facilities of the Russian Federation (Russia) and Federal State Budget Institution “Rosgranstroy” (Russia).