Concept Notes can be sumitted to one out of five adresses of the JTS and its Branch Offices in Estonia, Latvia and Russia. Please note, that 23 February is Motherland Defender Day in Russian Federation and 24 February is Independence Day of Estonia and JTS Branch Offices in respective country in respective date will be closed. Please see the Programme Calendar for 2012. On 27 February 2012 all JTS Offices will be open and the Concept Note can be submitted till 4pm (local time of the place of submission). If the Concept Note is going to be sent by post, the envelope should have a postal stamp with the visible date of 27 February 2012.
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The deadline for sumission of the Concept Note within the 2nd Call for Proposals of the Programme is 27 February 2012. All questions regarding the 2nd Call for Proposals and submission of the Concept Note which have been sent to the Joint Technical Secretariat till 11 February will be answered until 17 February 2012 and placed in the website FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section. After that date no information will be added and answers provided by phone or e-mail.
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Крайний срок для подачи Краткого описания проекта (Concept Note) в рамках 2-го Конкурса заявок Программы - 27 февраля 2012. Информационные семинары и консультации будут проводиться Совместным техническим секретариатом в соответствии с утвержденным графиком до 11 февраля 2012. Следующий семинар состоится 8 февраля в Пскове для всех потенциальных заявителей и партнеров из Псковской области. Несколько консультационных Дней открытых дверей пройдут в Риге, Тарту и Пскове. Дополнительно, «Семинары по подготовке проектов» будут проведены 6 февраля в Санкт-Петербурге и 9 февраля в Пскове при участии проекта «Содействие развитию регионального потенциала» (RCBI). Read more
The deadline for sumission of the Concept Note within the 2nd Call for Proposals of the Programme is 27 February 2012. Information seminars and consultations are organized by the Joint Technical Secretariat according to approved schedule till 11 February 2012. Next seminar will take place on 8 February for all potential applicants and partners from Pskov Oblast and Pskov, Russia and several Open Day consultations will be held in Riga, Tartu and Pskov. Additional seminars „Project preparation workshop” with the focus on preparation of the project on 6 February in St.Petersburg and 9 February in Pskov are organized in cooperation with RCBI (Regional Capacity Building Iniciative project). Please note that all questions regarding the 2nd Call for Proposals and submission of the Concept Note should be addressed to the Joint Technical Secretariat till 11 February. After that date answers will be provided only via Programme website until 17 February 2012.
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Mittetulunduslik organisatsioon North-West Funding Service Centre (Venemaa) koos Vene, Eesti ja Läti partneritega - InnoPartnership (Venemaa), Venemaa Teadusakadeemia Peterburi Informaatika ja Automatiseerimise Instituut (Venemaa), Läti IT klaster (Läti), MTÜ ICT Demo Centre (Eesti), Tartu Teaduspark (Eesti), viivad ellu piiriülese koostööprojekti „Baltic ICT Platform“ („Baltic ICT Platform”) info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia arengu valdkonnas programmi 1. Prioriteedi: Sotsiaalmajanduslik areng meede 1.2. Transport, logistika ja kommunikatsioonilahendused raames. Read more
Non-Commercial Partnership North-West Funding Service Centre (Russia) together with partners from Russia, Estonia and Latvia will realize cross-border Information and Communication Technologies development project „Baltic ICT Platform” under the Priority 1 – Socio economic development, Measure 1.2 – Transport, logistics and communication solutions. Total budget of the project is 1 625 080, 00 euro. Read more
Joint Technical Secretariat in cooperation with INTERACT (Project funded by the European Union) and RCBI (Regional Capacity Building Iniciative project) is organizing seminars for Beneficiaries and partners of projects accepted during the 1st Call for Proposals. The purpose of the seminar is to introduce Beneficiaries and partners in detail with Programme requirements in order to ensure smooth reporting and overall implementation of the Project.
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