Non-governmental organization «Lake Peipsi Project, Pskov» has become the winner of the Pskov regional contest on best publication «Pskov book 2014». Two publications - Photo album «Nature values of the Pskov region» and Guide «Ecological trails of Pskov region» which were done within the CBC project «People with Nature» were marked by the contest commission as the best in the nomination «The best edition on tourism». Read more
40 projects out of 50 are finalised and implementation of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme is coming closer to an end. Three final country based events are organized to demonstrate Programme’s best achievements and tangible results created in cross border cooperation between Estonia, Latvia and Russia. We call it – Magic of CBC! Everybody is invited to join us in Pskov (Russia) on 28-29 April, or in Tartu (Estonia) on 27-28 May or in Gulbene (Latvia) on 10-11 June. Registrations to all three events you can find here. Read more
Programmai tuvojoties noslēgumam, Apvienotais tehniskais sekretariāts ir izstrādājis elektronisku aptaujas anketu projektu vadošajiem partneriem un partneriem, lai apkopotu programmas periodā gūto pieredzi un priekšlikumus, plānojot nākotnes pārrobežu sadarbības programmas. Read more
Eesti-Läti-Vene programmi elluviimine on jõudmas lõpusirgele ning seetõttu on hea aeg vaadata tagasi tehtule ja projektide ellu viimisest saadud kogemustele.
Ootame Teie tagasisidet elektroonilisele küsimustikule projektide elluviimisest.
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Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme is finalising its activities and to sum up the valuable experiences gained by the implementares of projects the Joint Technical Secretariat has developed electronic questionnaire for Beneficiaries and partners and invite each person involved in the project to fll it in. Read more
40 projekti no 50 ir jau veiksmīgi noslēgušies un Igaunijas-Latvijas-Krievijas pārrobežu sadarbības programmas īstenošanas periods tuvojas beigām. Noslēguma pasākumi tiks organizēti visās programmas partnervalstīs, lai demonstrētu programmas labākos sasniegumus un taustāmos rezultātus, kas radīti pārrobežu sadarbības programmas ietvaros. Ikviens ir aicināts pievienoties pasākumam Pleskavā (Krievija) 28.-29. aprīlī, Tartu (Igaunija) 27.-28. maijā, vai Gulbenē (Latvija) 10.-11. jūnijā. Reģistrēties pasākumiem iespējams ŠEIT. Read more
Office Manager Ms. Gunta Dejus and Information Manager Ms. Dace Spēlmane have joined the Secretariat in the last weeks of March 2015. Read more
Projekta 32 mēnešu ilgajā ieviešanas laikā tika likts uzsvars uz arheoloģiskā mantojuma saglabāšanu Igaunijas, Latvijas un Krievijas pierobežu teritorijās. Būtiski projekta mērķi bija saziņas un sadarbības veicināšana trīs partnervalstu arheologu starpā, kā arī sabiedrības informēšana par arheoloģiskā mantojuma aizsargāšanas nozīmi. Read more
The Project “Archaeology, Authority and Community: co-operation to protect archaeological heritage” during 32 months of its implementation has benefitted to the preservation of archaeological heritage in the border areas of Estonia, Latvia and Russia, developed communication and cooperation between archaeologists of three countries, and raised public awareness about the importance of protection of archaeological heritage. Read more
To proceed with the preparation of CBC Programmes 2014-2020 the 7th meeting of the Joint Programming Committee (JPC) Estonia-Russia and the 6th meeting of the JPC Latvia-Russia were held back-to-back on 12th– 13th March 2015 in Tallinn, Estonia. Meetings chaired Mr Priidu Ristkok - Head of Regional Development Department, Ministry of the Interior, Estonia and Ms Iruma Kravale - Director of Development Instruments department, Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development, Latvia. Both events were co-chaired by JPCs members from the Russian side Ms Angelina Stebakova – Senior Advisor and Mr Rafael Abramyan – Director of the Department for Regional and Cross-border Cooperation Development of the Ministry of Economic Development, Russian Federation, respectively. The deadline for submission of the Joint Operational Programmes (JOP) to the European Commission is June 30, 2015. Read more