
More than 30 awards in the form of ice were handed in to Russian partners of Estonia-Latvia-Russian Programme 2007-2013 as a sign of gratitude for best projects’ implementation. It was the first Awards Ceremony held within the Programme. Read more

On 10-11 June 2015 close to 140 participants gathered together for the last of the three country based Programme Final events “Magic of CBC” held in Vecgulbene manor, Gulbene, Latvia. Read more

On 27 May and 28 May the final event “Magic of CBC” was celebrated in Estonia, Tartu and gathered about 150 participants representing project implementers, state- and regional authorities, local municipalities, NGOs and other interested parties from Estonia, Latvia and Russia. Read more

On 28-29 April, 2015 first of the three Final country based events of the Programme “Magic of CBC” was held in Pushkinskiy Drama Theatre in Pskov, Russia. The magic of cross border cooperation was revealed brightly as the results and achievements reached between the three partner countries throughout the Programme period 2007 – 2013 were presented and awards given to the most notable projects and partnerships in Russia. Read more

Three years have passed while implementing the project “Via Hanseatica” that has already gained high popularity among domestic and international tourists. The project led by the Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia) is a bright proof that a typical project can turn into a highly rated tourism product, creating a desire among the partners to continue maintaining results after the project has officially ended. Read more

Non-governmental organization «Lake Peipsi Project, Pskov» has become the winner of the Pskov regional contest on best publication «Pskov book 2014». Two publications - Photo album «Nature values of the Pskov region» and Guide «Ecological trails of Pskov region» which were done within the CBC project «People with Nature» were marked by the contest commission as the best in the nomination «The best edition on tourism». Read more

40 projects out of 50 are finalised and implementation of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme is coming closer to an end. Three final country based events are organized to demonstrate Programme’s best achievements and tangible results created in cross border cooperation between Estonia, Latvia and Russia. We call it – Magic of CBC! Everybody is invited to join us in Pskov (Russia) on 28-29 April, or in Tartu (Estonia) on 27-28 May or in Gulbene (Latvia) on 10-11 June. Registrations to all three events you can find here. Read more

Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme is finalising its activities and to sum up the valuable experiences gained by the implementares of projects the Joint Technical Secretariat has developed electronic questionnaire for Beneficiaries and partners and invite each person involved in the project to fll it in. Read more
Office Manager Ms. Gunta Dejus and Information Manager Ms. Dace Spēlmane have joined the Secretariat in the last weeks of March 2015. Read more

The Project “Archaeology, Authority and Community: co-operation to protect archaeological heritage” during 32 months of its implementation has benefitted to the preservation of archaeological heritage in the border areas of Estonia, Latvia and Russia, developed communication and cooperation between archaeologists of three countries, and raised public awareness about the importance of protection of archaeological heritage. Read more