Annual Work Programme 2013 for Grants of Joint Managing Authority has been approved by the Joint Monitoring Committee on 29 March 2013 and has been published. Read more
Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte (RTU) Igaunijas – Latvijas – Krievijas pārrobežu sadarbības projekta ELRI-184 „Integrēta intelektuāla platforma pārrobežu dabas un tehnogēno sistēmu monitoringam” (INFROM) ietvaros kopā ar projekta partneri Sanktpēterburgas Krievijas Federācijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Informātikas un Automatizācijas institūtu (SPIIRAS), piedaloties projekta asociētajiem partneriem no Latvijas un Krievijas, 2013. gada 12. un 13. martā novadīja semināru aprobācijas grupas dalībniekiem Latvijas teritorijā. Semināra mērķis bija nodrošināt Latvijas zinātniekus, valsts un pašvaldību administrāciju pārstāvjus, uzņēmumu pārstāvjus un augstskolu personālu ar informāciju par projekta INFROM ieviešanas gaitu un iepazīstināt ar integrētās dabas un tehnisko objektu monitoringa sistēmas izstrādes procesu, kā arī ar dažādu datu izmantošanas iespējām, ieskaitot tālizpētes informāciju. Read more
On March 12-13, 2013 Riga Technical University (RTU), within the ELRI-184 project “Integrated Intelligent Platform for Monitoring the Cross-Border Natural-Technological Systems” (INFROM), in cooperation with the project partner St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS (SPIIRAS) and associated partners from Latvia and Russia, held a seminar for representatives of project target groups in Latvia.
The purpose of the seminar was introducing Latvian scientists, representatives of local governments, public agencies, private businesses and educational institutions with the information about the project, its intermediate results and possibilities of using project results in the Latvian economy.
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Ms Anna Filatova started to fulfill her duties as the Information Manager in the JTS Branch Office in Pskov, Russian Federation from 1 April 2013 and will replace Ms Ekaterina Moskaleva during her maternity leave Read more
Following the decision of the Joint Monitoring Committee additional financing has been awarded to the Large Scale Project “Reconstruction of BCP “Vientuļi” and arrangement of BCP “Brunishevo””. Addendum to the Grant Contract of the amount of 2 568 373 EUR of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme financing has been countersigned by the State Joint Stock Company “Real State Estate” in Riga (Latvia) today. The financing has been reallocated for further improvement of the BCP Vientuļi following the strategic objective of turning of this point into fully functioning border crossing point for passenger and cargo vehicles in the future and total budget of the project reaches 9 MEUR Read more
How to make a story with the help of photography and how to capitalise the results of the Project in photography – these were the main issues covered by the great expert in photography Mr Ilmārs Znotiņš from Latvia. Thinking of the content before clicking, learning the possibilities that nowdays cameras offer, concentrating on having a right angles and compositions within the Picture, composing a story from only 10 pictures – these topics exited around 30 participants of the Capitalisation and Communication seminar from Estonia and Latvia. Read more
Dabas aizsardzības pārvalde Igaunijas – Latvijas – Krievijas pārrobežu sadarbības projekta „Cilvēki un daba” ietvaros kopā ar projekta partneriem pagājušās nedēļas nogalē piedalījās izstādē „Skola 2013” un prezentēja dabas izglītības iespējas Latvijā, Igaunijā un Krievijā.
Četru dienu garumā izstādes apmeklētāji varēja iegūt informāciju par dažādām mācību iestādēm, interešu izglītību, dažādu mācību kursu piedāvājumu, tostarp arī par dabas izglītības iespējām. Dabas aizsardzības pārvaldes darbinieki stāstīja par Dabas izglītības centriem Latvijas un Igaunijas reģionos, tajos pieejamajiem dabas izglītības pakalpojumiem un iespējām, ko varēs izmantot ikviens interesents. Read more
Within the Estonia – Latvia – Russia cross border cooperation project „Promoting nature education as efficient mean of awareness raising” the Nature Conservation Agency for the first time took part in the fair „School 2013” in Riga (Latvia) representing also all 14 project partners from Estonia, Russia and Latvia. From 28th February till 3rd March 2013 visitors of the fair received information about different education possibilities in Latvia, including nature education. Employees of the Nature Conservation Agency informed about Nature Education Centres (NEC) in Latvia and Estonia, about their offers and possibilities for wider public. Read more
The glossary of words commonly used in the EU’s relations with its Eastern Partners and Russia, put together by the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre, has now been revised, updated and enriched, is available online in pdf format. The Eastern Partnership and Russia glossary includes over 40 references and exists in English and Russian. It covers political, technical and other words and terms one may come across when writing about or dealing with the Eastern Partnership and the EU’s relations with Russia. ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme recently published it’s own updated Programme’s Glossary, where 65 terms used within the Programme are translated into Estonian, Latvian and Russian. Read more
13.-14. februārī notika 4. EKPI PSP sadarbības tīkla komunikāciju speciālistu sanāksme. Galvenais uzsvars tika likts uz esošo un tuvākajos gados sagaidāmo rezultātu un sasniegumu mārketingu un vizuālo atpazīstamību. INTERACT pārstāvji prezentēja iespējamos veidus kā nostiprināt komunikācijas komponenti projektu pieteikumos nākotnē.
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