Following the decision of the Joint Monitoring Committee additional financing has been awarded to the Large Scale Project “Reconstruction of BCP “Vientuļi” and arrangement of BCP “Brunishevo””. Addendum to the Grant Contract of the amount of 2 568 373 EUR of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme financing has been countersigned by the State Joint Stock Company “Real State Estate” in Riga (Latvia) today. The financing has been reallocated for further improvement of the BCP Vientuļi following the strategic objective of turning of this point into fully functioning border crossing point for passenger and cargo vehicles in the future and total budget of the project reaches 9 MEUR Read more

How to make a story with the help of photography and how to capitalise the results of the Project in photography – these were the main issues covered by the great expert in photography Mr Ilmārs Znotiņš from Latvia. Thinking of the content before clicking, learning the possibilities that nowdays cameras offer, concentrating on having a right angles and compositions within the Picture, composing a story from only 10 pictures – these topics exited around 30 participants of the Capitalisation and Communication seminar from Estonia and Latvia. Read more

Within the Estonia – Latvia – Russia cross border cooperation project „Promoting nature education as efficient mean of awareness raising” the Nature Conservation Agency for the first time took part in the fair „School 2013” in Riga (Latvia) representing also all 14 project partners from Estonia, Russia and Latvia. From 28th February till 3rd March 2013 visitors of the fair received information about different education possibilities in Latvia, including nature education. Employees of the Nature Conservation Agency informed about Nature Education Centres (NEC) in Latvia and Estonia, about their offers and possibilities for wider public. Read more
The glossary of words commonly used in the EU’s relations with its Eastern Partners and Russia, put together by the EU Neighbourhood Info Centre, has now been revised, updated and enriched, is available online in pdf format. The Eastern Partnership and Russia glossary includes over 40 references and exists in English and Russian. It covers political, technical and other words and terms one may come across when writing about or dealing with the Eastern Partnership and the EU’s relations with Russia. ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme recently published it’s own updated Programme’s Glossary, where 65 terms used within the Programme are translated into Estonian, Latvian and Russian. Read more
4th meeting of the ENPI CBC Network of Communication managers took place in Brussels on 13-14 February 2013. Main focus of the meeting was on the visibility and marketing of the results that are achieved and will be achieved by the Programmes in coming two years. Representatives from INTERACT provided comprehensive analyses of existing communication documents of Programmes and possible ways how to strengthen the component of communication in future Applications were discussed.
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Starting from 21st of February, 2013 Ivangorod Museum (Russia) will host an exhibition of works by Estonian and Russian children who participated in the International Children's Drawing Contest "Narva and Ivangorod: united by border" in the frame of the European Cooperation Day 2012. Further on during the spring 2013 the exhibition will be represented in St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region Museum Agency. Read more

Within the framework of the project “Cross Border E-archive” on January 30 meeting with researchers, archive experts, users and media took place during the Information Day of the project in the Latvian State Historical Archives. The aim of the project is to preserve historical and cultural heritage of Estonia, Latvia and Russia cross border area archives and to provide access to the heritage for the citizens of the area. Until 2014 universally accessible online platform (e-archive) will be developed with unlimited access to the archival information. Cross Border E-archive will bring together lost connections between historical facts on larger level and family history on individual level. Read more
Estonia - Latvia - Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within ENPI 2007-2013 is looking for an Information Manager with Russian and English languages for work at the Joint Technical Secretariat in Pskov Branch Office, Russia (for the period of maternity leave of current employee). The deadline for applying is Friday, 15 February 2013. Read more

International Photo Exhibition „PHOTO YOUTH” was opened on 18 January 2013 in prominent Riga Art Space in Riga, Latvia. Young people with disabilities from Latvia and Russia have learned the art of taking photos within the Project „PHOTO YOUTH”, which began its implementation in January 2012. Programme financing for implementation of planned activities is 259015, 20 euro.
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The Joint Managing Authority of the Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross border cooperation programme on 14 January 2013 has received a positive feedback from the Directorate General for Development and Cooperation of the European Commission with regard to 20 Project Applications that were recommended for financing by the Joint Monitoring Committee of the Programme during its meeting in December 2012. Thus all 20 Project Applications are approved. As noted in the letter of the EC – this is a very important result and Grant Contracts to be signed shall turn in tangible results for beneficiaries in cross border area covered by the Programme.