The celebration of the European Cooperation Day 2013 is in full swing now, more than 140 events were announced by Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes and Projects all over the Europe and many have already successfully taken place. Herewith we are happy to announce one more wonderful initiative - the photo competition that the ENPI Info Centre is organizing in conjunction with INTERACT ENPI in the framework of European Cooperation Day. Read more

On 20 September, 2013 to mark the European Cooperation Day the lilac was planted in front of North-Latgale Business centre in Balvi, Latvia. It also marked the start of works on the design and permanent and digital exposition in the Museum of Balvi Municipality in the framework of the cultural and historical heritage Project “To preserve not to lose it – safeguarding of cultural heritage ”. Read more

On 28-29 August Forum of rural settlements of Leningrad region “Development of Leningrad Region Territory: methods and instruments of problem solving” was held by the Project “LSG Development” in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. The Forum became a unique event for the region being fully devoted to the problems of development of rural territories; the event united the representatives of local self-governments from different and as well most remote municipalities of the Leningrad Region. Read more

On 17th September in the framework of the European Cooperation Day 2013 students and professors of St.Petersburg State Polytechnic University (including International Graduate School of Management and Institute of International Educational Programs) were introduced to the ENPI 2007-2013 Cross-border Cooperation Programs: Estonia-Latvia-Russia, South-East Finland-Russia, Karelia and Kolarctic. Read more

European Cooperation Day in Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross border cooperation programme was celebrated with similar symbolic tree planting actions in all three countries. Trees planted in parks of three near border capitals – Tartu, Rēzekne and Pskov are the symbol of cooperation and its long lasting durability, as well nicely complementing the green environment. Mayors of all three cities acknowledged the importance to increase urban green areas, as well the role of the cross border cooperation in socio economic development of near border cities. Third tree planting action took place in Tartu on 14 September, Saturday during world biggest Kids` Cross-country Cycling Marathon race in Tähtvere Leisure Park and together with young marathonists 10 mountain ash trees were planted . Read more

A group of creative young people got together in the summer of 2013 in Riga and spent half day to create thought-provoking, catchy and inspiring slogans about cross border cooperation in the Baltic States. In the beginning of September slogans were shared with the public in different neighbourhoods of Riga, Latvia. This action has been filmed and captured by photographers and resulted in the video release and the brochure - GET TO KNOW YOURSELF THROUGH YOUR NEIGHBOUR! Read more
European Cooperation Day 2013 was officially launched in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 10 September. Around 160 people attended the launch which was led by MEP Sanchez-Schmid, who is rapporteur for territorial cooperation in the REGI parliamentary committee. She was supported by MEP Jan Olbrycht, rapporteur for the ERDF regulation 2014-2020. The European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle supported ENPI CBC involvement in ECDay in a video address. Read more

Cross Border Cooperation and its role to make near border cities greener was highly appreciated by the head of the Rēzekne City Mr Aleksandrs Bartašēvičš and representative from the Latgale Planning Region, Ms Ingrīda Bernāne - honourable guests of the second tree planting action of the Programme. Young people from youth centres and Rēzekne High school, including guest-students from Portugal and Spain supported the action and planted 10 different species of trees in Vipinga Forest Park in Rēzekne, Latvia on 10 September 2013. During this action dendropark of the Vipinga Forest Park was restored. Read more

Cross Border Cooperation and its contribution to the socio-economic development of the Pskov Oblast was highly appreciated by honorable guests of the opening event of the tree planting action – representatives of the City and Oblast Administration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation, Consuls of Latvian and Estonian Republics, guests from Tartu City Government. It was as well supported by the students of Pskov State University. Nine grown-up pine trees were planted in Pskov, Russia on 5 September 2013 in a remarkable place, Dendropark near Mirozhsky monastery, where the urban green management project “Green Man” implements its activities. Read more

“Sharing borders, growing closer” is the motto for the celebration of this spirit of cooperation throughout Europe and beyond EU borders. Estonia-Latvia-Russia Programme is organizing public tree planting activities in all programme participating countries to mark the European Cooperation Day 2013 and to leave a little green footprint in surrounding city environments. Public tree planting activities are going to be launched on 5 September at 11.00 in Dendropark near Mirozhsky monastery, Pskov, Russia. Read more