
On 3 June with opening of the Grande Cascade of the Pavlovsk State Museum begins Annual Event of the Programme “Joint solutions for the benefit of Estonia-Latvia-Russia border areas” in Leningrad Oblast. Grand Cascade was restored within historical protection project "Landscape Pearls". Event will continue on 4 June in Gatchina Palace in its newly reconstructed Theater Hall and it is expected to gather around 200 participants from the broder regions of Estonia, Latvia and Russia. Special focus on programmes support to children will be realised via visual exhibition „Children in projects focus” and Thematic Fact Sheet. Read more

On May 21, in Vilani municipality hall in the framework of the project "FORGET A HURRY" activities the cross border tele-conference was organized. All the project partners - local writers and artists from Vilani and Kārsava, as well Shlisselburg met in a virtual environment. As explained by a leading partner Ms. Iveta Pizicha (Vilani), the date was not chosen at random: May 21 is World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.
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On 22-24 May XXI Universal Exhibition “PskovEXPO-2014” took place in Pskov, Russia. This Exhibition has been for already more than 20 years biggest and most popular business exhibition of the Pskov Region. In the framework of the exhibition the Project “Fostering of Socio-economic Development and Encouraging Business in Border Areas” (Foster SME) opened exposition of small and medium enterprises Read more

Four colourful info graphics are prepared and released by the ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme in May 2014. How the programme financing is spread throughout regions and which organizations as partners in projects are benefitting most from the Programme support is visualised with the help of creative images and icons. Factual information related to the budget, partners, type of partnerships and supported fields enable to compare data and facts and are included in a second printed Programme Leaflet in English, Estonian, Latvian and Russian. Read more

On 18 May the Project “Reduction of social consequences of an HIV spread in Estonia and Leningrad Region of Russia" (Helping to live) finalized its activities with closing action devoted to World Remembrance Day of AIDS Victims. Read more

On 07 May 2014 in the central square of Pechory, Russia, the pilot mobile Fair “Business to Pechory” was opened by the Project «Fostering of Socio-economic Development and Encouraging Business in Border Areas” (Foster SME).
The fair participants – craftsmen, local SMEs, farm enterprises - presented to the visitors their various products from local food and souvenirs to building technologies and materials, tourism products and decorative plants. Organizations providing SME support in the region and partners from Latvia and Estonia also had their info-stands exposed in the fair pavilion.
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In the framework of the Project "Reduction of social consequences of an HIV spread in Estonia and Leningrad Region of Russia" (Helping to live) a week study visit on HIV problematic for medical specialists from Estonia was organized from 28 April till 2 May. The study tour was participated by MTU Evrica specialists, as well as the project team, medical staff of Narva hospital.
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On 26-27 March in Setomaa and on 25-26 April in Pechory members of 20 school firms visited small local enterprises and studied business opportunities, got acquainted with most prominent cultural and historic sights, tried their hands in workshops and master-classes on local traditional skills. Hosting schools greeted guests very warmly with concerts of folk collectives and talented young artists.
Young entrepreneurs as well had a wonderful opportunity to present to their peers from partner countries the results of their hand work, presentation and marketing skills.
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Estonia-Latvia-Russia cross border cooperation programme continue capitalisation of supported projects in final colourful brochure. Third in a row this brochure „Project’s Notebook” include information about objectives, partners, total budget and ENPI support, as well contacts of 20 projects supported within 2nd Call for Proposals. Impression of projects’ content is complemented with several thematic photos. In years 2012 and 2013 similar brochures have been produced about 25 1st Call Projects and 5 Large Scale Projects and later on distributed to stakeholders and during Programme Events. Read more