27 February is the deadline for submission of the Concept Note within 2nd Call for Proposals

Concept Notes can be sumitted to one out of five adresses of the JTS and its Branch Offices in Estonia, Latvia and Russia. Please note, that 23 February is Motherland Defender Day in Russian Federation and 24 February is Independence Day of Estonia and JTS Branch Offices in respective country in respective date will be closed. On 27 February 2012 all JTS Offices will be open and the Concept Note can be submitted till 4pm (local time of the place of submission). If the Concept Note is going to be sent by post, the envelope should have a postal stamp with the visible date of 27 February 2012.

All questions regarding the 2nd Call for Proposals and submission of the Concept Note, which have been sent to the Joint Technical Secretariat till 11 February have been answered until 17 February 2012 and aswers placed in the website’s FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section. No information regarding the 2nd Call for Proposals is going to be added untill the deadline - 27 February 2012.

In order to find answers to your questions we suggest you to visit several pages of the Programme’s website:
1. How to Apply  --> 2nd Call for Proposals;
2. How to Apply  --> Presentations;
3. FAQ --> all categories of questions&answers except category - Large Scale Projects.