Questions & Answers
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  • Could the time-plan of the project be changes?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-13 16:20:36

    Change of activity plan with no duration implications is a minor change that should be notified to the JTS 10 days within the implementation of the change. Extension or early closing of the Grant Contract is a major modification and require a formal Addendum .

  • The JMA/JTS does not always accept minor changes. What to do?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-13 16:20:05

    The JTS will provide support on the eligibility of minor changes. It is strongly recommended to consult with the JTS and take their comments before submitting your notification officially

  • Can the project make expenses before signing a contract with auditor?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-13 16:19:36

    Yes, but only after the implementation of the project begins.

  • Should the projects declare any interest earned?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-13 16:19:04

    Any interest or equivalent benefits accruing from pre-financing shall be mentioned in the interim and final reports, assigned to the project and deducted from the payment of the balance of the amounts due to the Beneficiary.

  • Can the project report be submitted before six month period?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-13 16:18:11

    Yes, if it is justified (e.g for submitting request for payment).

  • Can in costs of personnel vacation and illness be included?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-13 16:17:28

    Yes, if it is foreseen in national legislation. Such costs must comply with person workload within the project and actually worked hours (according to the time sheet) and months.

  • How to deal with the case – „seminar too expensive”?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-13 16:16:48

    Organizer should provide evidence, that the offer accepted was the right one for the particular seminar:- description of the request for offer, preferably 3 offers received should be provided; specific needs, if exists, should be met. Afterwards documents of evidence – agenda, presentations, lists of participants, photos, etc. Maximum allocated in the Project budget should not be spent obligatory.

  • Should there be certificate provided for each construction material?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-13 16:16:15

    - Depending on the cost per item, if it exceeds 5 000 EUR – certificate must be issued from producer (or national commerce chamber), if the price per item is below 5000 EUR certificate can be provided by supplier.

  • If a partner is making changes dramatically, are there any sailings for one partner?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-13 16:15:48

    Again, each case should be considered separately, but budget line of the Project as a whole should be respected.

  • Are there changes in Grant Contract necessary, if the address (location) of investments is going to be changed?

    Project implementation
    2012-08-13 16:15:13

    Each case is considered by JTS (implications on budget, Project results etc.) and most probably these will be Major Changes.

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