Today is Sunday, 2025.02.16

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  • What is the co-financing rate for the projects?

    Budget and finances
    2010-10-07 16:12:15

    The Community financing rate of ENPI funds for Priorities 1 - 3 is up to 90% of total eligible project expenditure. In case of private enterprises, the Community financing rate may be up to 50% of total eligible partner expenditure.

  • Where is it possible to find the model example of CV?

    Filling in and submission of the Concept Note
    2010-10-07 16:11:43

    No template has been provided. We suggest use Euro-Pass form, but the other forms are accepted as well.

  • What is the Pre-Feasibility Study and when should it be submitted?

    Filling in and submission of the Concept Note
    2010-10-07 16:11:02

    Pre-Feasibility Study is an explanatory document on the planned investments/ renovations in cases the national legislation does not foresee submission of the technical documentation in line with the national building legislation. The Pre-Feasibility Study is also to be provided for the projects, in which the total costs under the Budget Heading 3 “Equipment and supplies” is equal to or exceeds EUR 100,000.
    In this meaning the Pre-Feasibility Study is an investigation with the aim to explain in detail the necessity of the proposed equipment/ investments and to provide a detailed breakdown of costs (cost estimate) for the equipment/ work contracts, technical specification, relation of the equipment and investments to the other activities of the project, ownership of the proposed equipment/ investments and a plan for its future use.
    Recommended content of the Pre-Feasibility Study shall include: Executive summary; Description of the current regional situation in the particular field; Project strategy (including financing and institutional aspects) and analysis on different scenarios (expected, optimistic, pessimistic); Project justification (including detailed description of the planned investments in the project and their costs; information on ownership of outputs and management plan for the future, as well as the expected socioeconomic effects).

  • Should Building permission be submitted for all construction works? Is it needed for submission of project?

    Filling in and submission of the Concept Note
    2010-10-07 16:09:59

    Technical documentation for (re) construction works has to be provided in line with the national building legislation.

  • Could the Concept Note be printed on A4 size paper on both sides?

    Filling in and submission of the Concept Note
    2010-10-07 16:08:01

    Yes, for economical and ecological reasons we recommend you to use double-sided print-outs as much as possible.

  • Could the applicant come from the adjoining area?

    2010-10-07 16:06:30

    Yes, the Programme funding may up to a limit of 20% be used for financing of expenditure incurred by the project applicant and/or partner(s) from adjoining areas of Estonia and Latvia.

  • Can an NGO act as the Applicant for a Project under Priority 1?

    2010-10-07 16:03:57

    NGO can be an Applicant or Project partner if it fulfils the requirements listed in the Section 2.1.1. of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants. Please note that an NGO acting as the Beneficiary or the project partner and an SME acting as the project partner should documentary prove its operational and financial capacity acting for at least one month before announcement date of this Call for Proposals

  • Under which conditions do the private partners participate in the projects?

    2010-10-07 16:03:01

    Accordingly to the Programme, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can participate in the Programme only within Priority 1 – Socio-economic development.
    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are eligible for participation in the Programme if they fulfil the requirements listed in the Section 2.1.1. of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants and under the following conditions:
    private company is micro, small or medium sized enterprise, which means it employs fewer than 250 persons and it has an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million, and/or has annual balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million;
    the SME-s can be eligible for funding in projects whose immediate objective is non-commercial;
    the results of the projects with the involvement of the SMEs have to be available for the use of wide public, i.e. access to these results can not be limited only to the partners of the project;
    in case of participation of the SME as the project partner, the maximum Programme co-financing rate is 50% of the total eligible costs of this SME;
    the SME cannot act as the Beneficiary of the project;
    the SME cannot act as the only partner from the Participating Country;
    the SME acting as a project partner may not apply for a grant exceeding EUR 200,000.
    Please note that an NGO acting as the Beneficiary or the project partner and an SME acting as the project partner should documentary prove its operational and financial capacity acting for at least one year before announcement date of this Call for Proposals.

  • What organisations are eligible to submit the project?

    2010-10-07 15:58:02

    In order to be eligible for a grant, the applicant and the project partner(s) must be one of the following:
    1) national, regional and local public authority;
    2) association formed by one or several national, regional or local authorities;
    3) public equivalent body (any legal body governed by public or private law):
    a. established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character,
    b. having legal personality,
    c. having legal relationship with the state, regional or local authorities or other bodies governed by public law in regards of:
    - is financed or owned at least 51% by those bodies,
    - or is the subject to management supervision by those bodies,
    - or have an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the bodies mentioned above;
    4) Associations formed by one or several bodies governed by public law as defined under point 3 of this section above;
    5) NGOs and other non-profit making bodies;
    6) Educational organisations (schools, preschool institutions, colleges, institutes, universities):
    7) Small and medium enterprises (only under Priority 1).

  • What is the required partnership in the project?

    2010-10-07 15:54:07

    Each project shall involve at least two partners, of whom at least one project partner shall be located in the Programme area in one of the Member States (Estonia and Latvia) and at least one project partner located in the Programme area in Russian Federation.

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