Today is Sunday, 2025.02.16

Questions & Answers

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  • Is it allowed to use black & white Programme logo?

    Project implementation
    2010-10-07 16:24:01

    Depending on the colors used in the publicity material the Programme logo has to be used either in full colors or in grey scale.

  • Is a separate account required for the purpose of keeping the project accounts?

    Project implementation
    2010-10-07 16:22:52

    The Beneficiary and the project partners shall keep accurate and regular accounts of the implementation of the project using an appropriate accounting and double-entry bookkeeping system. In order to ensure it the Beneficiary and all partners involved in the implementation of the project and receiving funds from the Programme must maintain a separate accounting system or an adequate accounting code for all transactions related to the project without prejudice to national accounting rules. In this way all project related expenditure and receipts should be clearly identified.

  • If project management and / or financial management are sub-contracted, is the public procurement required?

    Project implementation
    2010-10-07 16:22:03

    Yes, purchase of services is subject to procurement procedures described in section 3.2.5 of the Guidelines. It has to be noted that the beneficiary and the project partner(s) as well as associates are not allowed to sub-contract each other or employees of their organizations in order to carry out project activities.

  • Can project partners (especially partners from Russia) receive payments under the Grant Contract?

    Project implementation
    2010-10-07 16:20:42

    After the Grant Contract has signed, the beneficiary is responsible for requesting and receiving payments from the Contracting Authority, which then are timely forwarded to the project partner(s) in accordance with the project budget and Partnership agreement.

  • When can the Beneficiary request pre-financing?

    Project implementation
    2010-10-07 16:17:20

    Option 1:
    If the overall duration of the project does not exceed 18 months and if the grant does not exceed 300,000 EUR, the pre-financing is paid in two instalments - (1) initial pre-financing instalment, which will be transferred to the account of the Beneficiary within 45 days after signing the Grant Contract and submission the Request for advance will be maximum 40% of the grant; (2) together with the 6-monthly Interim Report the Beneficiary may submit the Request for further pre-financing instalment not exceeding 40% of the project grant. If the consumption of the previous payment is less than 70%, the amount of the further prefinancing instalment shall be reduced by the unused amounts of the previous payment.

    Option 2:
    If the overall duration of the project exceeds 18 months or if the grant exceeds 300,000 EUR,the initial pre-financing instalment will be 40% of the forecast budget for the first 12 months of the project. It will be transferred to the account of the Beneficiary within 45 days after signing the Grant Contract and submission the Request for advance. The Joint Managing Authority shall pay further pre-financing instalment for each twelve month period of implementation of the project after approval of the 6-monthly Interim Reports. Further pre-financing instalment may only be given if the part of the expenditure actually incurred which is financed by the Joint Managing Authority stands at least at 70% of the previous payment (and at 100% of any previous payments) as supported by the corresponding Interim Report, an Expenditure Verification Report. If the consumption of the previous payment is less than 70%, the amount of the further prefinancing instalment shall be reduced by the unused amounts of the previous payment.

  • Half (50%) of the supported projects have to target provision of equal opportunities. What is the meaning of this requirement?

    Concept Note assessment
    2010-10-07 16:16:08

    Joint Operational Programme sets an indicator for the projects supported by the Programme stipulating that at least 50% of all projects have to target disadvantaged groups or have positive influence on gender equality.

  • Will all of the projects submitted by applicants be assessed according to the certain steps and criteria?

    Concept Note assessment
    2010-10-07 16:14:57

    All projects submitted by applicants will be assessed according to the steps and criteria set in Guidelines. Only these criteria will be used in the assessment process.

  • Are the daily allowances/ per diems for one day trip to seminar eligible costs?

    Budget and finances
    2010-10-07 16:14:26

    Per diems are paid for the missions abroad and within the home country of the Beneficiary/respective project partner requiring an overnight stay.
    Payments of the daily allowances have to follow the national legislation of the respective country.

  • Is VAT eligible if the beneficiary or the project partner cannot reclaim it?

    Budget and finances
    2010-10-07 16:13:20

    The general rule is that VAT is eligible only in case, if the beneficiary and/or the project partner cannot recover it. In latter case it has to be proved with National Tax Authority’s certificate.
    VAT recoverable by whatever means cannot be considered eligible, even if it is not actually recovered by the Beneficiary or the Project partner (i.e. the Beneficiary or the partner who could officially recover the VAT has decided not to do it).

  • What does it mean: in-kind contribution cannot exceed the Beneficiary’s and/or the project partner’s own contribution to the project?

    Budget and finances
    2010-10-07 16:12:50

    The general rule is that the project partner can report the value of in-kind contribution up to 10% of its total eligible expenditure. However, there is a possibility that the national authorities of the Participating countries contribute to the Project co-financing. In this case the in-kind contribution cannot exceed partner’s own contribution to the Project.

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