Today is Sunday, 2025.02.16

Questions & Answers

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  • What is “results” and what is “outputs”?

    Filling in and submission of the Concept Note
    2010-11-18 13:42:35

    Results are direct and immediate effects brought about by the project, which provide, for example, information on improvement in capacity/efficiency of partners or enhancement of performance.
    Outputs directly result from activities of the project. They are typically measured in physical or monetary units such as: number of meetings, seminars, or training sessions, number and type of reports, policy tools or written concepts etc.

  • May one project application cover two measures?

    Filling in and submission of the Concept Note
    2010-11-18 13:34:42

    Choice of the Priority and measure depends on the focus of the project, but only one Measure has to be chosen for each project. To define the appropriate measure, please take into account the indicators, which are foreseen by the Programme for each particular measure.

  • Can we renovate one part of building during this Project, if technical documentation is for whole building?

    2010-11-18 13:32:13

    In order to apply for a partly execution of works within the project, the activities and costs related to the project are to be clearly separated, e.g. the implementation of the infrastructure works should be clearly divided into stages.

  • What are the requirements for the Applicant regarding the ownership of the building subject to the construction?

    2010-11-18 13:31:38

    According to the Section of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants, description of the Budget Heading 6, the project partner must be the owner or have long term rental of land agreements for (re)construction works. In case the infrastructure investments are planned in the project, the relevant project partner has to be the owner of the land and/or have the building rights on the land.

  • Is purchase of land eligible?

    2010-11-18 13:31:10

    According to the Guidelines for Grant Applicants, Section purchase of land is not eligible, except where necessary for the direct implementation of the project, in which case ownership must be transferred to the final beneficiaries and/or local partner(s), at the latest by the end of the project.

  • Are the social security charges eligible?

    2010-11-18 13:30:36

    According to the description of Budget Heading 1 Human Resources in the Section of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants, it includes the cost of the staff of the Beneficiary and the project partner assigned directly to the project, based on actual gross salaries and including compulsory taxes due in the respective country.

  • Can a school which has no own accounting participate as a project partner?

    2010-11-18 13:30:07

    Programme Guidelines stipulate that the Project partners have to be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the Project, not acting as an intermediary. It means that the organization participating in the project as an Applicant or a partner should among other requirements listed in the Section 2.1.1. of the Guidelines be able to manage its own accounts and be the sole decision maker. If there is another organization whose prior consent is required for the decisions, then rather this supervising authority should act as the project partner.

  • How long before the applying to the program, NGO should be run at least? Is there any specific limitation on that?

    2010-11-18 13:29:24

    An NGO acting as the Beneficiary or the project partner should be established at least one month prior to opening of the Call and provide documentary evidence of its operational and financial capacity in the form of operational and/or financila report of organization.

  • Are preparation costs eligible?

    2010-11-18 13:28:39

    Costs made before the Project starting date are not eligible.

  • Is it possible to designate one auditor for the Beneficiary and all of the project partners?

    2010-11-18 13:28:04

    According to the Section of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants all projects implemented within the Programme are subject to expenditure verification for projects, and the compliance of such expenditure with the provisions of the Grant Contract signed between the Joint Managing Authority and the Beneficiary. The Beneficiary shall designate an auditor that shall examine whether costs declared by the Beneficiary and its partners are real, exact, accurate and eligible in accordance with the Grant Contract. The project partner(s) in cooperation with the Beneficiary are responsible for designation of the partner’s auditor(s) – either one per all partners located in the respective Programme Participating Country or one per each project partner or one per the project. Please note that audit service is subject to procurement procedures described in section 3.2.5 of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants.

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