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12 June 2014
PEOPLE WITH NATURE: Exhibition "Nature House Inside Out"
International cooperation project "Promoting nature education as efficient mean of awareness raising" (People with Nature) will open exposition “Nature House Inside Out” on 12 June, 2014 at 16.00 in Tartu Nature House.
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9 June 2014
MEDICAL WASTE: Training session for medical staff in Kohtla-Jarve, Estonia
The Project "Eco-friendly disposal of hazardous medical waste in the cross-border region" (Medical Waste) will organize the first of training sessions for the international group of medical staff in Kohtla - Jarve.
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6 June 2014
GREEN HERITAGE: Good Home Days in Rapina, Estonia
The Project "Regeneration of parks as an integral part of historical heritage" (Green heritage) will organize conference and fair in Rapina, Estonia
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5 June 2014
PEOPLE WITH NATURE: Study days in Nature Education Centre
The Project "Promoting nature education as efficient mean of awareness raising" will organize Study days in the NEC "Razna" of Razna National Park
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4 June 2014
Annual Event of the Programme "Joint solutions for the benefit of Estonia, Latvia and Russia border areas!"
The Conference "Joint solutions for the benefit of Estonia, Latvia and Russia border areas!" in several plenary sessions will focus on intermediate results achieved by the ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme. Thematically attention will be more directed to development of border crossing facilities and logistics in Programme area, as well as a horizontal subtheme - "Children in project focus" will be highlighted in success stories and projects Exhibition.
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3 June 2014
LANDSCAPE PEARLS: Conference and opening cereminy of Grand Cascade in Pavlovsk Park, Pavlovsk, Russia
The Project "Two pearls of the landscape parks in Eastern Europe" (Landscape Pearls) will open restored Grand Cascade in the park of Pavlovsk Museum.
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30 May 2014
AAC: Practical archaeological studies in Aluksne, Latvia
The project "ARCHAEOLOGY, AUTHORITY & COMMUNITY: cooperation to protect archaeological heritage" (AAC) will organize practical archaeological studies on underwater archaeology at the historical bridge site
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23 May 2014
PRESERVE NOT TO LOSE: International open event "Nightingales jugging in Knjazji Gorki", Dedovichi, Pskov Region
The Project "To preserve not to lose it - safeguarding of cultural heritage" (Preserve not to lose) will organize a mass event "Nightingale juggling in Knjazji Gorki". It will include experience exchange exhibition and seminar of the project partners, lecture, fair and much more
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22 May 2014
ESTLATRUS TRAFFIC: Final Traffic Safety Forum
The Project "Increasing traffic system’s capability within EE-LV-RU international importance transport corridors" (ESTLATRUS TRAFFIC) will organize its closing event - Traffic Safety Forum in Perili, Latvia
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22 May 2014
T & L: Participation in the Exhibition "PSKOV EXPO 2014" in Pskov, Russia
The Project "Improvement of higher vocational education in the field of transport and logistics" (T & L) will take part in the Exhibition "Pskov EXPO 2014" in Pskov, Russia
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